Sat-Thur, 9am-9pm Closed Fridays



Sperm freezing is the process of collecting, analyzing, freezing and storing a man’s sperm. The samples are later used for fertility treatments. This overall process is known as cryopreservation.
The cryopreservation process involves;
• Providing a semen sample or undergoing a sperm extraction.
• Lab analysis of sperm quantity and quality.
• Freezing and storing of viable sperm.

“The primary benefits of freezing sperm are to allow a man to preserve his fertility by using his sperm at a later date.”

How the sperm collected and frozen?

Sperm (the reproductive cells found in man’s semen) is typically collected through masturbation. Here at Sunrise, we have specific, private and comfortable suites where a man will collect his sample without the use of lubricant not to harm the sample quality.
Men are also asked to abstain from sexual activity for approximately 3 days prior to the appointment to allow for the best possible specimen. Once semen sample is provided, one of sunrise’s highly qualified and well trained embryologists will test the specimen for sperm count (quantity), morphology (shape), and motility (movement).
If sperm are not present in the sample or if the man is unable to ejaculate, a surgical retrieval to remove sperm directly from the testicle is another option (Testicular Biopsies).
Sunrise lab team will use specialized cryoprotectant (“anti-freeze”) agents to help preserve and protect sperm cells. The frozen sperm is then stored in the lab in liquid nitrogen tanks until needed. When the time comes, the sperm is thawed, washed, and tested for mobility prior to use in IUI or IVF/ICSI.

Who should consider freezing sperm and why?

The primary benefits of freezing sperm are to allow a man to preserve his fertility by using his sperm at a later date.

Common reasons to choose to freeze sperm:

– Advancing age
– Deteriorating sperm quality or low quantity
– Receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy during cancer treatment
– Pre-Vasectomy patients
– Career and lifestyle choices, such as those with high-risk occupation or who spend a lot of time away from their wives

Cryopreservation is considered to have no time limit, and stored sperm as old as 20 years have been used to create healthy babies.


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there is a sunrise